Tuesday, January 18, 2011


HAXE(1)                                                                HAXE(1)

haxe - compile haXe programs to SWF, Neko, JavaScript, PHP, or C++.

haxe [options...] class_names ...

haxe is a command-line compiler which compiles haXe programs into
client-side Flash SWF, server-side Neko bytecode in Apache, or simply

haXe programs are similar to JavaScript, but have a full-featured type
system and generics.

-cp path
Add a directory to find source files.

-js file
Compile code to JavaScript file.

-swf file
Compile code to Flash SWF file.

-swf9 file
Compile code to Flash9 SWF file.

-as3 directory
Generate AS3 code into target directory.

-neko file
Compile code to Neko Binary.

-php file
Generate PHP code into target directory.

-cpp file
Generate C++ code into target directory.

-xml file
Generate XML types description.

-main class
Select startup class.

-lib library[:version]
Use a haxelib library.

-D var Define a conditional compilation flag.

-v Turn on verbose mode.

-debug Add debug informations to the compiled code.

-swf-version version
Change the SWF version (6 to 10).

-swf-header header
Define SWF header (width:height:fps:color).

-swf-lib file
Add the SWF library to the compiled SWF.

-x file
Shortcut for compiling and executing a neko file.

-resource file[@name]
Add a named resource file.

-exclude filename
Do not generate code for classes listed in this file.

Prompt on error.

-cmd Run the specified command after successful compilation.

More type strict flash API.

Do not compile trace calls in the program.

Place objects found on the stage of the SWF lib.

Keep generated neko source.

--gen-hx-classes file
Generate hx headers from SWF9 file.

--next Separate several haxe compilations.

Display code tips.

Compiles but does not generate any file.

Measure compilation times.

Disable inlining.

Disable code optimizations.

--php-front file
Select the name for the php front file.

--remap package:target
Remap a package to another one.

-help Display this list of options.

--help Display this list of options.

haXe is written by Nicolas Cannasse for Motion-Twin.

haxelib(1), haxedoc(1). http://haxe.org.

Aug 01, 2009 HAXE(1)

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