Monday, January 24, 2011


isql(1)                       UnixODBC Reference                       isql(1)

isql - utility to submit SQL queries to a data source.
iusql - Unicode version of isql.

isql DSN [UID [PWD]] [options]

isql can be used to submit SQL to a data source and to format/output
results. It can be used in batch or interactive mode.

DSN Name of the data source you want to connect to.

UID Your login to connect the DSN.

PWD Your password needed to login to the DSN.

-b Batch mode. It will not do any prompting.

-dx Delimit columns with x.

-x0xXX Delimit columns with XX, where XX is in hex. For example -x0x09
will use a tab.

-w Wrap results in an HTML table

-c Print column names on first row. This options only has effect
in combination with the -d option.

-mn Limit column display width to n

-v Verbose output.

This prints the version.

cat My.sql | isql WebDB MyID MyPWD -w
Each line in My.sql must contain exactly 1 SQL command except
for the last line which must be blank.

This manual page was written by Kurt Roeckx for the
Debian package of unixODBC.

UnixODBC Dec 2004 isql(1)

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