Wednesday, January 26, 2011


JSVC(1)                         Jakarta project                        JSVC(1)

jsvc - application to launch java daemon

jsvc [-jvm JVM name] [-classpath path] [-cp path] [-home directory]
[-version] [-help] [-?] [-nodetach] [-debug] [-check] [-user user]
[-wait waittime] [-stop] [-verbose:class|gc|jni]
[-outfile /full/path/to/file] [-errfile /full/path/to/file]
[-pidfile /full/path/to/file] [-Dproperty=value] [-Xoption]

jsvc executes classfile that implements a Daemon interface.

-jvm JVM name
use a specific Java Virtual Machine.

-cp/ -classpath directory and zip/jar files
set search path for service classes and resouces

-home directory
set the path of your JDK or JRE installation (or set the JAVA_HOME
environment variable)

show the current Java environment version (to check correctness of
-home and -jvm. Implies -nodetach)

show this help page (implies -nodetach)

don´t detach from parent process and become a daemon

verbosely print debugging information

only check service (implies -nodetach)

stop the service using the file given in the -pidfile option

-wait waittime
wait up to waittime seconds for the service to start waittime
should multiple of 10 (min=10)

-user user
user used to run the daemon (defaults to current user)

enable verbose output

-outfile /full/path/to/file
Location for output from stdout (defaults to /dev/null). Use the
value ´&2´ to simulate ´1>&2´, or ´SYSLOG´ to send output to the
system log.

-errfile /full/path/to/file
Location for output from stderr (defaults to /dev/null). Use the
value ´&1´ to simulate ´2>&1´, or ´SYSLOG´ to send output to the
system log.

-pidfile /full/path/to/file
Location for output from the file containing the pid of jsvc
(defaults to /var/run/

set a Java system property


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