Thursday, February 3, 2011


pamoil(1)                                                            pamoil(1)

pamoil - turn a PAM image into an oil painting

pamoil [-n N] [pamfile]

Reads a Netpbm image as input. Does an "oil transfer", and writes the
same type of Netpbm image as output.

The oil transfer is described in "Beyond Photography" by Holzmann,
chapter 4, photo 7. It's a sort of localized smearing.

The smearing works like this: First, assume a grayscale image. For
each pixel in the image, pamoil looks at a square neighborhood around
it. pamoil determines what is the most common pixel intensity in the
neighborhood, and puts a pixel of that intensity into the output in the
same position as the input pixel.

For color images, or any arbitrary multi-channel image, pamoil computes
each channel (e.g. red, green, and blue) separately the same way as the
grayscale case above.

At the edges of the image, where the regular neighborhood would run off
the edge of the image, pamoil uses a clipped neighborhood.

-n size
This is the size of the neighborhood used in the smearing. The
neighborhood is this many pixels in all four directions.

The default is 3.

pgmbentley(1), ppmrelief(1), ppm(5)

Based on pgmoil Copyright (C) 1990 by Wilson Bent (

Modified to ppm by Chris Sheppard, June 25, 2001

Modified to pnm, using pam functions, by Bryan Henderson June 28, 2001.

25 June 2001 pamoil(1)

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