Thursday, February 10, 2011


pnmalias(1)                                                        pnmalias(1)

pnmalias - antialias a portable anyumap.

pnmalias [-bgcolor color] [-fgcolor color] [-bonly] [-fonly] [-balias]
[-falias] [-weight w] [pnmfile]

Reads a portable anymap as input, and applies anti-aliasing to back‐
ground and foreground pixels. If the input file is a portable bitmap,
the output anti-aliased image is promoted to a graymap, and a message
is printed informing the user of the change in format.

-bgcolor colorb, -fgcolor colorf
set the background color to colorb, and the foreground to color
to colorf. Pixels with these values will be anti-aliased. by
default, the background color is taken to be black, and fore‐
ground color is assumed to be white. The colors can be speci‐
fied in five ways:

o A name, assuming that a pointer to an X11-style color names
file was compiled in.

o An X11-style hexadecimal specifier: rgb:r/g/b, where r g
and b are each 1- to 4-digit hexadecimal numbers.

o An X11-style decimal specifier: rgbi:r/g/b, where r g and b
are floating point numbers between 0 and 1.

o For backwards compatibility, an old-X11-style hexadecimal
number: #rgb, #rrggbb, #rrrgggbbb, or #rrrrggggbbbb.

o For backwards compatibility, a triplet of numbers separated
by commas: r,g,b, where r g and b are floating point num‐
bers between 0 and 1. (This style was added before MIT
came up with the similar rgbi style.)

Note that even when dealing with graymaps, background and fore‐
ground colors need to be specified in the fashion described
above. In this case, background and foreground pixel values are
taken to be the value of the red component for the given color.

-bonly, -fonly
Apply anti-aliasing only to background (-bonly), or foreground
(-fonly) pixels.

-balias, -falias
Apply anti-aliasing to all pixels surrounding background
(-balias), or foreground (-falias) pixels. By default, anti-
aliasing takes place only among neighboring background and fore‐
ground pixels.

-weight w
Use w as the central weight for the aliasing filter. W must be
a real number in the range 0 < w < 1. The lower the value of w
is, the "blurrier" the output image is. The default is w = 1/3.

pbmtext(1), pnmsmooth(1), pnm(5)

Copyright (C) 1992 by Alberto Accomazzi, Smithsonian Astrophysical

30 April 1992 pnmalias(1)

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