Monday, February 21, 2011


servertool(1)                                                    servertool(1)

servertool - The Java(TM) IDL Server Tool

servertool provides a command-line interface for application program‐
mers to register, unregister, startup, and shutdown a persistent

servertool -ORBInitialPort nameserverport options [ commands ]

If you did not enter a command when starting servertool, the com‐
mand-line tool displays with a servertool > prompt. Enter commands at
the servertool > prompt.

If you enter a command when starting servertool, the Java IDL Server
Tool starts, runs the command, and exits.

The -ORBInitialPort nameserverport option is required. The value for
nameserverport must specify the port on which orbd is running and lis‐
tening for incoming requests. When using Solaris software, you must
become root to start a process on a port under 1024. For this reason,
we recommend that you use a port number greater than or equal to 1024
for the nameserverport.

The servertool provides the command-line interface for the application
programmers to register, unregister, startup, and shutdown a persistent
server. Other commands are provided to obtain various statistical
information about the server.

-ORBInitialHost nameserverhost
Specifies the host machine on which the name server is running and
listening for incoming requests. The nameserverhost defaults to
localhost if this option is not specified. If orbd and servertool
are running on different machines, you must specify the name or IP
address of the host on which orbd is running.

Pass option to the Java virtual machine, where option is one of the
options described on the reference page for the java a pplication
launcher @
For example, -J-Xms48m sets the startup memory to 48 megabytes. It
is a common convention for -J to pass options to the underlying vir‐
tual machine.

register -server
-classpath [ -applicationName tion name> -args
-vmargs ] Register a new persistent
server with the Object Request Broker Daemon (ORBD). If the server
is not already registered, it is registered and activated. This com‐
mand causes an install method to be invoked in the main class of the
server identified by the -server option. The install method must be
public static void install(org.omg.CORBA.ORB). The install method is
optional and enables the developer to provide their own server
installation behavior (for example, creating database schema).

-serverid | -applicationName Unreg‐
ister a server from the ORBD by using either its server id or its
application name. This command causes an uninstall method to be
invoked in the main class of the server identified by the -server
option. The uninstall method must be public static void unin‐
stall(org.omg.CORBA.ORB). The uninstall method is optional and
enables the developer to provide their own server uninstall behavior
(for example, undoing the behavior of the install method).

-applicationName Return the server id that corre‐
sponds with an application.

List information about all persistent servers registered with the

List the application names for all servers currently registered with
the ORBD.

List information about all persistent servers that have been
launched by the ORBD and are currently running.

locate -serverid |
-applicationName [-endpointType ]
Locate the endpoints (ports) of a specific type for all ORBs created
by a registered server. If a server is not already running, it is
activated. If an endpoint type is not specified, then the
plain/non-protected endpoint associated with each ORB in a server is

-serverid | -applicationName
[-orbid ] Locate all the endpoints (ports) registered by
a specific ORB of registered server. If a server is not already run‐
ning, then it is activated. If an orbid is not specified, the
default value of "" is assigned to the orbid. If any ORBs are cre‐
ated with an orbid of empty string, all ports registered by it are

orblist -serverid |
-applicationName Lists the ORBId of the ORBs
defined on a server. An ORBId is the string name for the ORB created
by the server. If the server is not already running, it is acti‐

shutdown -serverid |
-applicationName Shutdown an active server that
is registered with ORBD. During execution of this command, the shut‐
down() method defined in the class specified by either the -serverid
or -applicationName parameter is also invoked to shutdown the server
process appropriately.

startup -serverid |
-applicationName Startup or activate a server
that is registered with ORBD. If the server is not running, this
command launches the server. If the server is already running, an
error message is returned to the user.

List all the commands available to the server through the server

Exit the server tool.


05 Aug 2006 servertool(1)

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